Cowboy,keyboard,and ghost牛键灵
这只是西部一个平常的早上,但对于你来说,今天要么成为西部下一个最强的快枪手,要么就准备变成一具尸体了。 你所面对的幽灵是整个西部最强的快枪手,你必须用最快的手速与他决战。 你也不仅会用到你的左轮手枪,你的键盘同样也是你的武器。 用最快的手速打出三个相同颜色的按键,便能行动一次。
It's important to run the game in full screen。
This is just an ordinary morning in the West, but for you, today is either becoming the next strongest fast shooter in the West, or preparing to turn into a corpse. The ghost you are facing is the strongest fast shooter in the entire West, and you must fight him with the fastest hand speed. Not only will you use your revolver, but your keyboard will also be your weapon. Use the fastest hand speed to press three buttons of the same color, and you can move them once.
Good luck, challenger, I wish you can defeat me.
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